20 Sep, 2021

The Ultimate Guide To Corporate Culture

The Ultimate Guide To Corporate Culture
Written by: - Phil Baker

Corporate culture, a term you might have heard before a lot. But do you know what it really is and what it entails? Is it just another company buzzword or does it hold value? Let's dive into what company culture is and how it affects employees and the company as a whole.

What Is Corporate Culture?

Corporate culture refers to the overall environment of a company, including the principles, values, and general behavior of its employees. It also includes the role of management and how it interacts with its workers and outside clients. It has a considerable amount of impact on professional outcomes and employee motivation. With so many things depending upon corporate culture, the culture must be adaptive and open to new ideas.

5 Types of Corporate Culture

Every company is working on its own rules and regulations. Each time you start a new job, you have to follow its culture that is explained to you by the management during orientation. However, that does not mean that the company culture can't be altered. Every culture has its merits and demerits. Here is a list of types of corporate culture that are usually followed in most firms.

1. The Comrade Culture

You must have seen very few companies that hire a team that suits their culture first. They give second priority to your expertise and experience level. A company that follows a team-first kind of corporate culture makes its employees comfortable and relaxed. This type of comrade culture involves its workers giving constructive feedback, occasional team outings, and other employee benefits. The mantra for their success is based on a simple formula; only a happy and satisfied employee can make his customers satisfied with the work.


The most talked-about and famous company these days is Netflix. This huge technology setup began in 1998. It is offering unlimited family leaves to the artisans. In response to its extensive regulations and procedures, Netflix offers its workers an increase in employee responsibility and freedom. The company also provides them the right to choose what's best for them, and in return, they have to be devoted to the company. 

Zappos is another corporate culture example that is known for its caring, engaging culture. Have you ever heard of a company that offers $2000 to any employee who completes the training for one week? Well, that's what sets them apart. It also provides exceptional service to its customers. Their employees are not bound to follow the strict guidelines of the company. They can help their customers according to their own free will, which can boost their confidence level resulting in an efficient work setting.

2. Elite Corporate Culture

Elite corporate cultured companies encourage hiring the best of the best. These cultures require employees to lead their way up to perfection and make a change. These types of companies hire optimistic and fearless individuals who are capable of bringing change and innovation in their work capacities. This will result in the fast-paced growth of the company and a powerful influence in the market.


Google has been an icon for corporate culture for years. It has now become a household name that is being used all across the world. It reached new heights due to its unique ideas and creativity. They provide such huge benefits and privileges to their employees like free meals, social gatherings of workers, and financial gratuities that result in high-functioning employees. The main thing about the elite corporate culture is that its customers are usually other businesses that need recognition on new platforms. 

Another corporate culture example is SpaceX. It is a massive success because of its new ideas. It's been putting its creativity into doing things for aerospace manufacturing and space transportation. Due to such a vast level of uniqueness and high intensity of expectations, the employees might get exhausted sometimes. However, the employees get going with their work after realizing that they are doing a meaningful task. 

3. Horizontal Corporate Culture

In a horizontal corporate culture, the employees have full empowerment in their work. Most of the authority is granted to the workers. The company executives work side by side with their subordinates. Horizontal corporate culture is mostly seen in startups where everyone collaborates and tries to pitch in to make his efforts count. These companies are usually more flexible for change and strive hard to provide the best end product. Though smaller team sizes may sometimes be challenging for the company yet, they strive hard to make their buyers happy. Their CEO would talk to them directly, and there wouldn't be any formalities between them. This boosts employees' confidence and self-esteem; hence, they put more effort into proving their worth.


Basecamp is a company that has successfully retained a startup kind of mindset. It has recently announced that rather than growing its size, it would maintain its quality.

4. Conventional Corporate Culture

This is one of the types of corporate culture that focuses on the traditional methods such as having specific systems in place - from having a dress code to following risk-free decision-making. Companies that are following the traditional culture still have clearly defined formats, yet many of them are grasping new communication ideas and mediums. It is most likely that the management often pays slightly less attention to bringing new office technologies. However, most of the conventional corporate cultures have accepted the fact that for growth and learning in this contemporary world, a company needs to have a little bit of creativity to survive.


GE is a perfect example of what we say old but classic. It was founded in 1892. A millennium of experience and quality that the company offers to its customers. However, it has recently halted its traditional performance review system and has started a new frequent conversational session between administration and employees. It is even launching its app that will help to take all the feedback related to the company product and its management.

5. Progressive Corporate Culture

A culture that is considered worthy of attention all the time. The company is aware of the fact that its employees are the ones who have worked hard for it, and they are collected for their efforts. A progressive culture shapes itself according to sudden changes and acquisitions. Managers are considered coaches rather than bosses. The company's recruiting process is rapid and amicable. In a progressive corporate culture, it is easy for employees to talk to their heads because people usually trust each other. Employees will be given full command over their work, and its communication rules are simple.


Amazon’s recently acquired Whole Foods company for $13.7 billion. This is a perfect example of companies having transitions in them for improvement. Disney acquired famous companies like Pixar and Marvel to have greater shares at the box office.

Twitter is another example of a progressive corporate culture. It has a team-centered environment. The employees are given many perks like fitness classes, rooftop meetings, and education continuation through Twitter University. The overall environment is friendly and caring. Employees know their worth, and that is the reason why their productivity rate is much higher than the workers of many other organizations. 

Characteristics of Corporate Culture

Every company has a culture or norms. The corporate culture gives individuality to a company. Establishing a strong corporate culture means having a progressive company. The following are the characteristics of corporate culture:

1. Good Communication

Good communication between the employee and the employer is a must for the company to flourish. How can an employee understand his tasks and goals if he is not guided properly? Similarly, if a boss is unaware of the issues that his workers are facing, then it will create problems. A manager should always be accessible to his employees. Ask the employees leaving your company about what made them leave in order to better your organization. Frequent feedback meetings are a good way for both parties to sit and resolve any issue. If everybody in the company is clear and thoughtful of others' feelings, then it will create the best office environment.

2. Teamwork

The corporate world is full of competition, and employees are encouraged to be united. Everyone is moving towards the same goal so why not help each other instead of pulling legs? Teamwork helps organizations achieve goals that are hard to achieve individually, if not impossible. This is the ultimate road to success. When various skills and mindsets come together as a team professionally, the aims and goals are achieved easily and more efficiently. 

3. Code Of Conduct

A code of conduct in a corporate culture means how the company has set certain guidelines to reach its goals. This code of conduct is communicated to every member of the company. This will tell the workers how they are going to deal with different types of clients. What is the proper mindset and behavior to deal with a coworker or a subordinate? This code of conduct promotes professionalism in the workers.

4. A Clear Vision

Having a clear vision is the basic thing that every employee should know about the company. If you know what you want and how you are going to get it, then it will be easy for you to put all your energy into your mission. Each individual should know his role and position in the company. He should have proper guidance about what responsibilities are lying on his shoulders. A clear mission is essential to know in corporate culture. If the employee is clear of his duties himself, only then will he be able to guide the clients appropriately

5. Adapting To Change

Adapting to change is another important characteristic of the corporate culture. Face new challenges and embrace change. It will give your company a sudden boost. However, it is hard for the employees as they get distracted and face the fear of the unknown. A strong and positive culture would encourage the worker to be stable and encouraged. Eventually, he will realize that organizational growth is more important than the fear of the unknown.

6. Incentives for Employees

Recognition for his good performance acts as a spur for an employee. Encouragement is the key factor that develops a person's interest in his work and ultimately results in better-than-expected outcomes. Employers should adopt a reward or incentive-based strategy to increase the productivity of their workforce. Two sorts of reward systems are being adopted at present in the corporate sector:

  1. Formal incentives or rewards

Organizations incentivize employees by maintaining a formal reward system where the employees are offered annual bonuses, commissions, and grants on the basis of performance or the achievement of certain organizational goals.

  1. Informal rewards

Informal rewards like cards, corporate gifts, small events, and letters of appreciation help create a healthy work environment with every employee feels valued and appreciated. Such rewards are really helpful to keep the workforce going in times of financial constraints faced by the business. How about using a paystubs generator to calculate your annual bonus and allowances and make handling your finances much easier?

7. Adapting a Collaboration Culture

Organizations with similar or identical goals collaborate in order to achieve goals in a better and more professional way. The cause of collaboration may be social, moral, or entirely personal for both companies. Companies may collaborate to learn, make a project successful, decrease costs, make use of each other's resources and expertise, and much more.

Bottom Line

Research has shown that those organizations that don't have a defined corporate culture or that have nurtured a strained culture are at higher risk of failure. These companies may suffer from poor financial crises or even employee discontentment. Experts have also found that corporate cultures that have stressful and negative environments have sometimes resulted in many criminal corporate activities and other serious troubles. Hence, corporate culture can influence every aspect of the organization. The overall effectiveness of the work and success will depend upon the company's culture. Lastly, implement a great onboarding system to attain a better corporate culture

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