24 Oct, 2024

Your Kelly Pay Stub Explained

Your Kelly Pay Stub Explained
Written by: - Phil Baker

It's payday! This good feeling requires more than simply looking at your bank balance. 

Your Kelly pay stub will have your total income and the deductions you are a taxpayer on. It will also include the details of where all those extra dollars came from. Think of it as your financial well-being plan.

In this guide, you can learn how to access your Kelly pay stubs and understand all that they tell you. Need a replacement fast? Create a professional paystub in minutes here >>

What’s on Your Kelly Pay Stub?


A Kelly pay stub outlines your earnings, tax withholdings and other payroll deductions for each pay period in detail. This helps ensure that earnings and deductions are properly calculated when it's payday. The pay stub will typically contain the following:

  1. Personal and Employment Details

  • Your name and address

  • Pay period start and end dates

  • Job title and department

  • Filing status (single, married, etc.)

  • Tax withholding allowances


  1. Earnings

  • Hours worked and regular rate of pay.

  • Overtime hours and pay

  • Any other income, such as bonuses or commissions

  • Current pay period earnings

  • Year-to-date (YTD) earnings


  1. Deductions

  • Federal income tax withheld (current and YTD)

  • State income tax withheld (current and YTD)

  • Social Security tax withheld (current and YTD)

  • Medicare tax withheld (current and YTD)

  • Pre-tax deductions, like health insurance premiums and 401(k) contributions.

  • After-tax deductions, like union dues and charitable donations.


  1. Totals

  • Gross pay (earnings before deductions)

  • Net pay (take-home pay after all deductions)

Creating an Account Accessing the Kelly Services Portal 

To create an account and access the Kelly Services portal, follow these steps:

  1. First, go to the Kelly Services official website and click "Login."

  2. On the login page, click the "Get Started" or "Create Account" button to begin the registration process.

  3. Fill in your details, including your name, email address and employee ID.

  4. Create a unique username and password for your account.

  5. Agree to the terms and conditions and complete any additional required fields.

  6. Once your account is created, you should get a notification or confirmation email.

  7. Log in to your new account using the credentials you provided while registering.

Pro Tip: Lost access to your paystub or need an instant replacement for a loan or rental application? No worries! You can easily create a paystub in minutes at the Pay Stub Creator. Get the proof of income you need - fast, easy, and reliable!

How To Get Your Kelly Services Pays Stub

There are two main ways to get your Kelly Services pay stub: electronically through Kelly ePaystub or by paper method. Below are details of each method:


By registering for Kelly ePaystub, you have the convenience of not only viewing your pay stub. You can also print and download the stubs at your convenience. It also has a low barrier to entry, meaning that access to the internet is all that is required. Apart from that, you also get your pay stub immediately after the pay calculation period is over. Also, the special and very secure login system gives you additional confidence in the company. To get your Kelly services pay stubs electronically:

  • Visit the Kelly ePaystub website.

  • Click on "Login or Enroll Now."

  • New Users: The other information to input after clicking on the “Enroll Now” button should be evident from the on-screen instructions. You will need to present your employee ID number.

  • Existing Users: Enter your username and password and click "Log in."

  • Once logged in, you can view your current pay stubs as well as the pay stubs you received in the past.


If you are more comfortable with a physical copy or don’t have access to the internet, there are paper pay stubs. This option may provide the needed access, but keep in mind that these paper pay stubs sent in the mail can be delayed, lost or even stolen. To request a paper pay stub:

  • Contact the payroll department. 

  • Use an online request form. 

  • Pay stubs are usually sent by mail on payday, but you might also be allowed to pick them up in person from your branch office. This is not standard practice and depends on your branch’s policy.

Troubleshooting Tips 

If you’re having trouble accessing your pay stub, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Double-check your login credentials: Make sure you're entering the correct username and password.

  • Verify your account information: Review and ensure your account information is correct.

  • Contact Kelly Services support: If you've tried the above steps but still face issues, contact Kelly Services support. You can get their contact information through the Kelly Services website or your local branch.

Also read:Generate your pay stub online easily with this tool.

Final Thoughts

Setting up your Kelly pay stubs is pretty easy since you have an easy-to-use online portal and a mobile application. Once it’s set up, you can understand your earnings, deductions, and tax withholdings.

This is all geared toward transparency in managing your finances effectively. With all these, getting your Kelly Connect pay stub will be a hassle-free experience.

Also, read:

Create Your Pay Stub Now!

It takes an average of less than 5 minutes.

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